What is and isn’t OK?
Tennis and padel are fantastic sports for children and young people to be involved in and can have a positive effect on your wellbeing.
However, you may find there are some situations which could potentially have a negative impact on your wellbeing. Here are some topics below which could affect you and advice on how to deal with some issues you may face whilst playing tennis or padel.
There are different types of abuse that can occur in life, including in a tennis or padel environment. If you find someone is being abusive to you, you should report it immediately to an adult you trust.
These are the types of abuse and some examples that could occur in tennis and padel:
- Verbal abuse: e.g. someone calling you names when you don’t play well
- Emotional: e.g. someone giving you the silent treatment when you don’t win
- Physical: e.g. someone hitting tennis balls at you
- Neglect: e.g. being left alone at a tennis club all day
- Sexual abuse: e.g. someone touching you in an inappropriate manner
Another common issue young people can have is inappropriate contact from adults. If you find an adult is being overly friendly, please tell another adult you trust.
Abuse is never ok. It’s not your fault and please don’t deal with it alone. Click here to find out how you can get help:
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour that can be in several forms:
- Verbal bullying: saying negative or mean things e.g. name calling
- Social bullying: hurting someone’s reputation or relationships with other people e.g. spreading rumours about someone
- Physical bullying: hurting a person’s body or their possessions e.g. breaking someone’s phone or kicking someone
Bullying is wrong in any area of life and we do not encourage bullying. If you find someone is bullying you, do not deal with it alone and please tell someone you trust.
Bullying is negative behaviour which can make you feel not very good about yourself so it’s important to try and stay positive. Visit the childline website for more information on ways you can deal with bullying:
Discrimination is when you are treated unfairly or worse because of your age, disability, relationship status, family status, gender, religious beliefs, race or sexuality.
Discrimination in tennis and padel is not acceptable and everyone should be given an opportunity to enjoy the game.
You may find that there are times in tennis or padel where tournaments, matches and practices are only for certain ages, abilities and males or females. This is done so people can play with others of a similar standard.
If someone stops you from playing tennis or padel for a reason that doesn’t seem fair, please tell someone you trust so it can be raised with the organiser.
How can I get help?
If someone or something has hurt or upset you or someone you know in or outside of tennis or padel, you can talk to a trusted adult. This could be someone at school, at home or your venue's Welfare Officer.